ExpanDrive v5.1

ExpanDrive v5.1 is now available for download and via the auto-updater. It includes full support for OS X 10.11 El Capitan and wraps up myriad changes and fixes since our V5 release back in July. You can always get the release notes for each intermediate version over at our support page.

NEW Auto-detect mime-type for S3/Swift
NEW [Windows] New Filesystem driver to improve Windows 10 support
NEW [Windows] New crash reporter
NEW [Windows] Speed increase in browsing folders
NEW [Windows] New data cache
FIXED Amazon Cloud Drive and Box long directory listings now fixed
FIXED S3 support where getting a bucket’s location is disallowed
FIXED Issue deleting files on OS X 10.11 would sometimes generate a “-43” error
FIXED Fixed a WebDAV normalization issue with international character sets on Mac
FIXED Fixed issue on Windows where truncating files that are > 2GB
FIXED Fixed issue causing certain crashes on drive startup on Windows
FIXED Fixed issue listing directories with more than 2k entries on Amazon S3
FIXED Fixed issue deleting certain folders on S3/Swift
FIXED 0-byte files are now correctly flushed out
FIXED Free space report for storage accounts with unlimited free space
FIXED Auto-updater preference fixed on Windows
FIXED Transient SFTP truncation problem fixed
FIXED Fixed usage of ampersand in filenames on Dropbox and S3
FIXED Windows 10 mounting error.
FIXED Issue where upload queue could get stuck uploading
FIXED S3 buckets with capital letters now supported
FIXED Fixed directory listings with files larger than 4GB
FIXED List directories with greater than 1000 entries on S3 fixed
FIXED Google Drive with unlimited space now shows more free space by default.
FIXED Fixed ghost checkbox on Mac UI
FIXED No longer trim whitespace from passwords
FIXED Detect S3 bucket region from error message when no permission to discover region.
CHANGED Longer write timeout for operations on Mac
CHANGED Have OAuth show Chrome as our browser
CHANGED Use smaller chunk for uploading large files to Dropbox, improving reliability.
CHANGED Enabled rename on S3/Swift